Thursday, 23 September 2010

Godley Rd.

Godley Road. That is where I work now. I am scared of it. I used to work in Dyke Road, which turned me gay. God knows what Godley Road will turn me into.

I have done two shadow shifts so far and they both went really well. In the beginning I felt a bit stupid watching Lisa do the dishes and cleaning floors for hours, but apparently I can't learn how to do one of these things when I am doing something else at the same time. It is very important that everyone does everything in the exact same way as everyone else. The Client - I will call her Loreena McKennit from now on, cause that's what she looks like - has very strict routines everyone has to stick to and she gets irritated very easily. So today I spent the first hour adjusting my handwriting to Lisa's. No kidding.
The rest of the day was fun, though, because as Loreena McKennit was expecting lots of visitors in the afternoon she had Lisa and me make houmous and bake cakes! We made a lovely Banana-Oat cake-bread thing, which I will steal the recipe of. The houmous was crap, but all organic and healthy.
The afternoon, when the guests were all there and eating the amazing banana-oat-cake-bread-thing, Lisa and me spent wheeling each other around in a wheelchair. It is a fun experience, you all should try it! It is a very interesting perspective you get on the world and the ways people react to you are diverse. There was a young girl going "yuck" at me and I found it hard to tell if it was the wheelchair or the gayness, cause it's both quite disgusting, innit. (And obviously I had my hand up someone's vagina, so she knew I was gay.)*
It was mostly me wheeling Lisa around today, of course. I am the one who needs the training in wheelchair wheeling. It is quite hard and exhausting. So I figure after a few months with Loreena McKennit I will have all brawny arms and people will finally realise that I am DANGEROUS and all.

Then, when I was walking to my new flat after my 12 hour shift at work, laden with bags full of shopping I did at Sainsbury's, I all of a sudden felt very... happy. And lonely. And home. And exhausted. And right. And homesick. And I wish I was staying with Lisa already.

Facts about Lisa:

- She loves apples more than I love potatoes.
- She has a sister who is moving to India tomorrow.
- She does folklore dancing, which I find quite cool.
- She is from Ulm, so basically: Swabian.
- She has been to Ireland twice, but managed to avoid Dublin completely.

Unfortunately I was put in a different volunteers flat for a week or so. I am currently staying with Carina and The-other-girl-who-didn't-tell-me-her-name.
They have internet, but no toilet paper. They have a washing machine, but it is broken. They have a giant balcony, but it is raining. The flat is alright. I have a sink in my bedroom, which is quite handy. And there is internet, which is always worth something (=A LOT).

Am absolutely knackered right now. Last night I met Gabby in Soho. We had a fun night, went to 5 different pubs and Marina Ices (my first ice cream (Lemon sorbet, strictly speaking) in a month - I almost cried).
I then fell asleep on the last tube back South and ended up in Morden at 12.30 am. Took a taxi back to Tooting broadway for lack of buses. Then had to get up at 7 this morning in order to go and make coffee for Loreena McKennit.

Tomorrow she will get her hair cut at Putney Bridge. So Lisa and I will take her there and also buy a new Swiffer! That shall be quite exciting, I think!
Also we have cooked tomorrows dinner already today. So we will be allowed to go home as soon as we're back from Putney. That will be around 5ish! And then I have 3 long days off! I will celebrate all Friday night (if I find a friend) and then explore all of Tooting with Ros on Saturday. Sunday I will have to meet Eva, who is going to Disney World and Florida and all those nice warm magic places for three weeks. Monday I don't know. Maybe I will go on a walking tour through London with the 6th graders from my old school.

Now: bed.


* Or maybe I was making disgusting jokes and that's why she said yuck.
**I am quite far away from being godl(e)y at the moment, I think.

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