Saturday, 11 September 2010


So, things are happening!

Just when I was about to leave the horrible cafe yesterday my phone rang! It was V.N. the SHAD volunteers coordinator, who invited me for an interview on Monday morning at 11! I will spend the night in Hackney and then will have to make it allll the way to Balham! Might take a while, but shouldn't be too complicated. Overground, Central line, Northern line... I hope I won't end up working down there in the South.
V.N. says he really liked my application and that he has already talked to Gillian! That is awfully exciting, cause I haven't talked to Gillian in over 2 years and I have many questions. Obviously I couldn't ask him any of them, but it is nice to know that Gill is still out there. (Hello, Gill!)
V. also said that I would have to hand in a second reference as soon as possibubble.
So I wrote an email to a certain old English teacher of mine, who luckily is my friend on facebook (- that's how I knew her email address, you see). She was very pleased that I wrote to her in English and will be happy to write me another reference. Yayay! We also might go for a coffee in a couple of weeks when she will be in London with the 6th graders. Awww. I hope she won't bring the 6th graders.

Last night I watched the Ultimate Big Brother with Ros, Mathilde and Emma. Yes. I know... But you have to adapt to the culture of the country you live in to a certain extend.
It is not quite as horrible as the German Big Brother, but I am quite happy it is over and I am living in a Big Brother free country! Amazing!
Then I had quite a good night's sleep in my new hostel. BEST BED EVER. I wish I was still in it. Alas, I had to check out and am now back in the horrible cafe, drinking horrible tea. Upstairs, tho, not down in the prison cell. Here they have windows and mirrors and a TV with happy childrens' programmes on.

Plans for the rest of the day rather squishy.

PS: Innit.


  1. hach tara...
    posts like this always remind me why i love you so much.
    you should write books. that's what you should do.
    london is a perfect place to write a book!
    I would giggle at every other sentence.

  2. :) I will write you a book. One day. And it will have squirrels in it, promise!
