Thursday, 27 January 2011

Furries, Ties and Safety Goggles

All the ingredients for a good weekend!

On Saturday, once again, Ros and I set out to go for a walk in the park. Yeah right... hehe... This time at least we made it as far as London Bridge and went for a stroll over Borough Market and around the Tate Modern. Richmond Park will have to wait for another day... but we enjoyed a little bit of culture and tourists anyway.
Afterwards, of course, we felt like beer and stopped at random pubs, one of which offered a pint of Beck's for 2.50! Oooooh! I apologize at this point to everyone German: don't defriend me... you get quite desperate in this Country of Expensive Beer and I ended up drinking a different sort of beer anyway...

That was because all the Beck's in the world had been drunk by a bunch of furries, who held a convention in one of the bars we stumbled into. It took us a second to realise that we were surrounded by gay men with bushy green tails. Some had paws. Some had massive, brightly colourful wolf costumes. Some simply had a paper tag with a drawing of their alter ego around their necks. Some turned out to not be gay at all, even.
We were welcomed warmly into their furry family and learned a lot that day. There was a Cambridge lecturer wearing a massive black horse head, but it wasn't him who lectured us about this new world. It was a wolf-cat and a boxer (dog). How fascinating!
We left in awe after three pints, cause there was stuff we had to do.

We had to go shirt and tie shopping, cause we meant to shane* up for a fancy dress party that night. Worked quite well, we ended up looking ace! And very Shane. Luckily we were wearing safety goggles with our suits to safe us from the ridicule of all the lesbians who walk the streets of London every night just to roll their eyes at baby dykes trying to look like Shane McCutcheon or whatever her last name is.
Gives the word "safety goggles" a whole new meaning.

Anyway, we had cocktails and more beer, cheap chicken noodles and more beer and then went to dance with other masqueraded people in a sauna and then drink more at Nic's place and be a bit terrible and then I think it was 1pm on Sunday and we finally fell asleep while putting our shoes on to go to the pub.

It is Thursday now and after a little lie in today I feel like I have recovered from the weekend, eventually.

Yesterday Ros and I booked our flights to Germanland, for the end of February/beginning of March. I can't wait! Especially because it's Fasnacht and that is one of the times when I like Konstanz best. I am looking forward to seeing my folks, too and hopefully a lot of my friends. My poor brother will write his Abitur (his A levels...) the week after and will probably sit around in his carnival costume all week and study maths and chemistry. I wish I was a bit more use as an older sister, but I am rubbish at both those subjects and he says he doesn't need help with English. Ah well, I'll be drunk anyway...

* Random The L Word reference no one ungay is supposed to understand.

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