Saturday, 30 October 2010

'nother non-tootingy update

Had serious chat with my friend The Laundrette Man the other day, cause I left some things lying around in his shop while the washing was on and I was going to buy stamps for Loreena McKennit. It went like this:

Laundrette Man: "I took your stuff behind the counter, so it wouldn't get stolen!"
Me: "Thank you! But it's just..."
Laundrette Man: "You can't leave things lying around like that! They will get stolen!"
Me: "Ok, I know, but it was just..."
Laundrette Man: "The other day I saw a guy holding a knife to some other guys throat right in front of my eyes!"
Me: "Oh! Ok... but in that bag it's just..."
Laundrette Man: "Leave something lying around and I swear... 20 seconds!"
Me: "Really? But it's just..."
Laundrette Man: "Yes! 20 seconds and your bag will be gone if you leave it lying around like that!"
Me: "But it's just..."
Laundrette Man: "WELCOME TO LONDON!"
Me: "BUT IT'S JUST..."
Laundrette Man: "I am just worried about you, girl..."

Awww. That is when I stopped trying to finish my sentence.
It would have ended: "... a manky plastic bag with an empty can of washing liquid."

If anyone in London is desperate for those things, they shall have them.

Anyway. He is right, though, London is dangerous.
The other day the Evening Standard had a headline "Man in dress pushed to death on tube".
Yeah, I know. Random. that's what I thought. You would expect something like that to happen every day in London. When I got on the tube for the very first time in my life I thought "fuckican'tbreatheandit'scrowdedandhotandiwanttogetoutofhereANDTHISISTHEFIRSTANDLASTTIMEIWILLEVERTAKETHETUBE." That was 1 year and 3 months ago and I have taken lots of tubes since and I love it now.
And you know, I was used to underground trains. Hehe. That wasn't the problem. But these were kind of ROUND and ORGANISED and full of business men. In Bochum it was just occasional square trains full of unemployed people. (... Home.)
Anyway, turns out people don't die on the tube on a daily basis and it is worth a frontpage headline if you do.
Also, turns out I have met the "man in dress" who was killed, just 3 weeks ago. SHE used to go to Loreena McKennit's church and was one of her best friends and I was just introduced to her on one of my shadow shifts.
So my last couple of days at work were rather sad and full of candles.

Apart from that my week was fun! (Excuse the callous transfer to a new topic. (Heh, sometimes I wonder if I sound like Alex from "Everything is illuminated" by Jonathan Safran Foer))

I went to an AMAZING SWISHING PARTY at Vic's house on Tuesday and now I have 3 times as many clothes as I had before. Google "Swishing party", I am too lazy to explain, but it was ACE. When I went there, I was all shy and went "I am not bringing anything, so I'll just let other people take what they want and eat the leftovers..."
But then I got drunken and took lots of nice stuff home. Ooops.
Hm, well, I expect there to be a swishing party in the future where anyone can take all my stuff and I'll be all happy about that.

Yes. Innit.

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