Sunday, 16 September 2012

Is autumn

Well that was one short rubbish summer.

In the meantime, they got rid of the Friday beers, as the guys in the warehouse started drinking earlier and earlier on Fridays and ended up snoring on piles of cat food by four o'clock in the afternoon.

It is not so new anymore, this job. But it is still a blessing and I am happy to have it. I am slightly bored and unmotivated occasionally, but most of the time so busy that I don't even notice.

It is September and that means it's been 2 years. Two years of the Old Smoke. And look how I have worked my way up.

From cooking borscht and washing up in Wandsworth to saving cats' and dogs' lives in Willesden.

I have learned a lot about arthritis in Dobermans and struvite problems in cats. I have won a mug with my face on for becoming employee of the month. I have felt a bit silly at times.

But way happier and more relaxed.

I feel like it's been ages since I have seen something new.

It hit me the moment I walked into an almost-sold-out Olympic stadium on the last Wednesday of the Paralympics.

That was a sight I had never had before, trruly gigantic and you know what a sucker I am for all kinds of sporting events. And then, suddenly, I was a tiny part of this big, this biggest one and Cheesus (I recently learned I pronounce the word Jesus all wrong) was that impressive.

I watched 4 German Paralympians win bronze and felt inspired and unsettled, because, as I then realised, it was the first time in a long, long time that I had seen something new. Had had a new experience.

My everyday life lately had merely been interrupted  by two trips to my parents or other relatives, a trip to Brighton, the occasional long weekend with too little sleep.

Weekday nights I sometimes go to the cinema, sometimes go to the pub, sometimes go for a run, but mostly just go home, eat, have a cup of tea (fruit tea in my case. My belly rebels against too much tea in the British sense.) and go to sleep.

And it is Good.

But it is also weird for someone, who, for years, could not sit still. I needed new experiences on a regular basis for years and years, whether they were good or bad, glamorous or rough, legal or illegal, safe or dangerous, I welcomed every new thing, place, activity, possibility with open arms and DID THEM.

This sounds like I was some sort of adrenalin junky crazy person, which I wasn't, but compared to now, I was running wilde.

Hello, I guess I have grown up a bit.